uruz Archives - The Birch Grove


URUZ (Oo-Ruse) Also: Ur/Yr (Futhorc), Ur (Younger Futhark), Urus (Gothic) Latin Alphabet: U Literal Translation: “Aurochs” or Water Esoteric: Endurance, Manifestation In divination, Uruz symbolizes the dual nature of water- strength, constancy, vitality, health, pragmatic knowledge, and understanding or weakness, misdirected force, inconstancy, sickness, ignorance, and insensitivity.

Nordic Runes

One of the most recognizable symbols used in modern Paganism is the Nordic Runes. The symbols originate from a series of related alphabets used to write Germanic languages in pre-Christian Europe. The earliest record of these inscriptions has been dated to 150 AD, many of the oldest found in Denmark and northern Germany. The runic… read more »
