spellcraft Archives - The Birch Grove

Black Salt

BLACK SALT Used in banishing, warding, protection, hex-breaking, and returning negative energy to the sender YOU WILL NEED: a fire-safe container (cast-iron is usually quite good for this) mortar and pestle (or like tools) a sealing container (jar, box with locking lid, etc.) black food coloring (optional) salt (rock salt, epsom salt, or sea salt)… read more »


ALFALFA (Medicago sativa) HEALING PROPERTIES Rich source of vitamins A, D, E, K, and the full spectrum of B vitamins. High in nutrients such as biotin, calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium, etc. Also high in protein, especially when dried. Laxative and diuretic. Treats UTIs and water retention. IN SPELLCRAFT Feminine energy. Abundance, prosperity, material… read more »


AGRIMONY (Agrimonia) HEALING PROPERTIES Alleviates sore throats and coughs. Treats diarrhea. Topically, treats skin inflammation and minor wounds. IN SPELLCRAFT Emotional well-being, exploring deep or hidden emotion, balance emotion. Psychic protection, banish harmful energies. Enhances all healing spells, especially distance healing. Place under pillow to induce a deep, dreamless sleep.


ACACIA HEALING PROPERTIES High in fiber. Demulcent- reduces irritation in mucus membranes, soothes sore throat. Antibacterial. IN SPELLCRAFT Masculine energy. Personal power. Protection.


SAGE HEALING PROPERTIES Anti-inflammatory. Antioxidant. Antibiotic. Antiseptic. IN SPELLCRAFT Sage is one of the best-known (and most used) herbs in witchcraft. Sage is the go-to herb for cleansing and consecration, most popularly used by “smudging”- burning a bundle of dried sage leaves and using the smoke to clear negative energies.


LAVENDER (Lavandula) HEALING PROPERTIES Antiseptic. Anti-inflammatory. Treats minor burns and bug bites. Combats antifungal-resistant infections. Alleviates muscle and nerve tension. Stress relief. Treats anxiety, depression, and insomnia. IN SPELLCRAFT Soothing, calming, peace. Meditation. Sleep and dreams. Prophetic dreams, intuition. Offering to night deities and the Fae. Offering to deities at Litha (Midsummer).


HIBISCUS HEALING PROPERTIES Rich source of vitamin C, antioxidants, and several other nutrients. Antibacterial. Treats hypertension, depression and anxiety. Reduces blood pressure and high cholesterol. Stimulates metabolism, aiding in natural weight-loss. IN SPELLCRAFT Incites passion. Love, lust, sex, romantic relationships. Aphrodisiac. Clairvoyance, divination (especially scrying), and prophetic dreams.


GOLDENSEAL (Hydrastis canadensis) HEALING PROPERTIES Antibiotic. Antimicrobial. Aids digestive health. Laxative. Anti-inflammatory. IN SPELLCRAFT Goldenseal is an herb of attraction. Use in spells, charms, or rituals regarding business ventures and financial/material wealth.


GINGER HEALTH BENEFITS Anti-nausea. Antibiotic. Alleviates gastrointestinal irritation, supports digestive health. Anti-inflammatory. Source of a broad range of vitamins and nutrients, including potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium. IN SPELLCRAFT Focusing energy, especially mental or psychic energy. Add to any spell to “hurry things up”, or help your goal come to fruition more quickly.


ECHINACEA HEALTH BENEFITS Antibiotic. Antioxidant. Support immune system- prevents common ailments like the flu and common cold. IN SPELLCRAFT Carry Echinacea with you to support your spiritual “immune system”- the herb will give the carrier strength during difficult times. Keeping Echinacea in your home will also draw prosperity and protect from poverty. The herb is… read more »
