laguz Archives - The Birch Grove


LAGUZ (Log-Ooze) Also: Laukaz (Proto-Germanic), Logr (Younger Futhark), Lagu (Futhorc), Lagus (Gothic) Latin Alphabet: L Literal Translation: Water or Ocean Esoteric: Unconscious, Collective Consciousness In divination, the Futhark rune Laguz can be interpreted in two ways- life, passing a test, vitality, unconscious growth, memory, dreams, or fear, circular motion, withering, depression, manipulation, lack of morality,… read more »

Nordic Runes

One of the most recognizable symbols used in modern Paganism is the Nordic Runes. The symbols originate from a series of related alphabets used to write Germanic languages in pre-Christian Europe. The earliest record of these inscriptions has been dated to 150 AD, many of the oldest found in Denmark and northern Germany. The runic… read more »
